Project: Financial Diaries Study of Smallholder Grain and Legume Farmers in Eastern, Central, and Northern Provinces

Client: Good Nature Agro

Date: July 2021 – October 2021

The Problem

Good Nature Agro (GNA), a legume seed producer, wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the cash flow patterns of their smallholder farmers. This insight was crucial for GNA to design tailored financial products suited to their rural smallholder farmer suppliers.

The Solution

Agova designed and implemented a year-long financial diaries study to capture the cash flow patterns of smallholder farmers. A team of enumerators visited 198 farmers bi-weekly over 12 months, conducting over 4,000 interviews and verifying data for accuracy. The study profiled the farmers’ income and expenditure patterns, seasonality, and risk strategies for financial challenges.


The study provided GNA with a detailed report on their smallholder farmers, offering valuable insights into financial behaviors and challenges. Agova’s recommendations helped GNA tailor their products to better meet the farmers’ needs and suggested innovative financial products (savings, loans, and insurance) for financial institutions to offer.

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